Month: October 2014

Visit to the region of Ostergötland

Crown Princess Victoria visited  Östergötland to attend a seminar on sustainable development in Norrköping and a seminar on diabetes in Linkoping.(more photos:1)
Victoria is wearing a By Malene Birger coat , Tabitha Simmons  shoes  and Hunky Dory  bag.

Madeleine in New York

Princess Madeleine was walking with Leonore in the streets of New York, She  was interviewed by a Swedish journalist about the rumors of the couple moving to London. Princess confirmed they thought to move to Europe to be closer to with their families, but that nothing was planned. We also had to take into account the work of Chris to determine the choice of the city. For now, they live in New York and are so happy here.

source(expressen se)

Autumn Concert at the Royal Palace,Brussels

Yesterday,The Belgian Royal Family attended the annual Autumn Concert at the Royal Palace in Brussels, Belgium.

Mathilde is carriying a Bottega Veneta clutch.

source(getty images)

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