Yesterday, The President of Chile hosted a reception at the El Pardo Palace in honour of King Felipe and Queen Letizia.(more photos:1)
Letizia is wearing a Felipe Varela skirt ,Magrit shoes, and bag.
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2 Comments on Reception in honour of Spanish King and Queen ,Madrid

  1. Dear Writer,

    I just found your site and wow am I loving it!! With the whole world focused on the British royals it’s great to learn what the other royal ladies are up to and what they are wearing while they are doing it. 🙂

    Letizia is my new fashion favorite. It used to be Kate, like everyone else :), but Letizia’s fashion daring quickly won me over. She can take classic looks and turn them from classic and conservative to va voom, while still looking regal and royal. Also, Letizia and I are closer in age so she clothing choices really resonate with me and prove that just because a woman is over 40 doesn’t mean that she can’t still be beautiful, well dressed and, might I say it, a bit sexy. However, my figure is no where near hers so I probably won’t be wearing the slim fitting styles she wears so well. lol

    Thanks again so a great site!!

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